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Getting Ready for Finals

Finals week has me like...

Guyssssss! Finals is approaching and I'm so stressed. I know many of your finals are coming up & I want to give you all some tips on how to stay on top of everything so your grades won't drop.


I know this can come off as repetitive but guys study as much as you can. Not just a day but I want you to breath, think, and sleep studying.

Reach out to professor if problems persist

I know some courses may be very difficult to understand. When problems persist reach out to your professor, teaching assistant, or even tutoring centers. It's literally what they get paid to do. Help. They have all the resources you need to give you the help you deserve.

Plan Ahead

I use a planner to write out my due dates and I try to make an itinerary when weeks get more hectic. Make sure if you do have important events going on you sort it out with you professor. Once you plan everything ahead of time it'll be more easier for you to prioritize what studies come first.


Listen, I know the clubs be bussing and you don't want to miss going out with the same friends you see every week but those grades is what you need to worry about. If everything is done, fine.. party it up but if you have two assignments plus one extra credit opportunity you know you need.. its time to prioritize. Your friends will understand.. if not then baby it's time for some new friends.

Don't Stress!!

I know it gets stressful when all of your work hits you at once but try not to stress so much. Try listening to calming music, get a good rest at night, meditate, eat a good meal before, the options are limitless. Stressing could actually cause you to do worse than you think. So breathe. You got this.

I hope you all have a great finals week. You'll all do great. Sending you positive vibes.


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